Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete Over Night Fishing Results

Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete
Over Night Fishing Results 1/2 August 2020
15 fish in total caught
365lb 5oz Total weight
1st Peg 28 Lewis Gray 4 fish 27lb 13oz mirror
                                      25lb 15oz mirror
                                     20lb 15oz mirror
                                       27lb 4oz mirror
                                      Total 101lb 15oz
2nd Peg 33 Mitch Wood 2 fish 28lb 2oz triple row linear
                                           22lb common
                                        Total 50lb 2oz
3rd Peg 36 James Calderon 2 fish 23lb mirror
                                                26lb common
                                                Total 49lb
4th Peg 29 Ben Metcalfe 2 fish 20lb 2oz linear
                                           23lb 2oz mirror
                                           Total 43lb 2oz
5th  Peg 30 John Cannings 2 fish 20lb 10oz mirror
                                                 21lb 4oz mirror
                                                 Total 41lb 14oz

6th Peg 25 Gary Budd 26lb 8oz mirror

6th Peg 35 Lee Fitzgerald 26lb 8oz mirror

8th Peg 34 Benjamin Cannings 26lb 2oz

The Long Meadow River Avon Bathampton Angling Association

Saturday 18th July 2020 newbridge match results


Bathampton Open – Newbridge

Unusually for me a double header this weekend, with a riverfest qualifier on Newbridge next weekend I wanted to get on the river to get back in the groove. Kev Dicks advertised this match on facebook etc, but sadly only 8 people turned up, still it would do for me. My gear is still not with me and I have to make trips to my parents to get my gear. However, work has started on my house, with old falling down garage and shed pulled down, new surface laid, and now my workshop is being built. Fellow angler Ben Rendall is doing the job, with Kev Dicks and Warren Bates also assisting. This time next week I hope to have my gear with me again.

Back to the fishing, Kev ran the match on the same hours as riverfest is planned. 10 am draw fish 12 to 5pm. At the field the other anglers were, Ben Rendall, Jerry Pocock, Nigel Evans, Mike Martin-Davies, Andy Cranston, Mike Shellard  and Kev Dicks. Pools paid, draw done, and I was heading for peg 10 in the little field, with nobody below me I had plenty of room. Ben was above me on peg 7. It has been a while since I have fished 10, would have loved if the river had plenty of colour in it as bream are in the area, but sadly the river was pretty much stood on its head most of the time, and it was clear but not worryingly clear in my opinion. With no flow on the river I opted against setting up float rods, but did set up a feeder rod with 14 N50 to 0.13. Three pole rigs, a 1.5g pencil rig with 20 N40 to 0.09, 2g bodied float with 18 N40 to 0.10, and finally a 2g with 18 N20 to 0.13 for holding still.
To begin the match I balled in 12 jaffas of my usual Sonubaits river, lake, bit of black roach and my faithful brown crumb. I went in using caster on the hook, but three run throughs were biteless then I had a bleak, errrr. Stuck a maggot on and had a dace, then a small roach. Things became difficult already and I had to pick up the pencil float as I was missing bites. It was better for a couple of roach and dace, but then tiny chublets and bleak became a real pain. Even with a bulk pushed down and droppers all next to the hook length it was hard to get past them, but occasionally I had a better fish. Things though got worse, the bleak went and so it seemed had everything else! 90 minutes in and I couldn’t get a bite, potting more bait in had no effect either. Perhaps some bream had moved in (I wish) so I dropped the feeder over the pole line, 30 minutes of nothing other than a 4oz roach. I tried the heavy pole rig with a worm on, and I was just about to give it up when I had a bite down the peg, turned out was a 1lb skimmer. No more followed.
Glenn Bailey rang me 2 1/2 hours into the match and I told him I was struggling with about 3lb. I was now in danger of losing faith, but I gave the pole / feeder line a rest and caught a few bleak at 7m where I had been feeding a few maggots, a few were there but after I caught about a dozen they weren’t happy. Team mate Geraint Powell had been sat behind me for a few minutes when I then went back on the feeder, I had 3 small perch in three casts on a worm and red maggot so at least some bites, and then it went quiet next cast, then the tip went round nice and steady and the rod hooped over. I had a bream on and it felt a good one, river bream always give a good account of themselves and so I was glad when this one went in the net, maybe 5lb. Where there’s one there’s more… not this time, the feeder line went real quiet after this. Geraint told me that Mike Martin-Davies had a bream and skimmer on peg 16, but not much else was caught at this stage.
I had a bit of a struggle until the last 40 mins really, Mike had 2 bream now and I thought I was a long way behind so stuck it out on the feeder and I had a skimmer of over a pound to renew my interest. Then a 8oz perch and then a perch of just under a pound in three casts. In the last 20 minutes I had a couple more bites and landed two eels, one had to be 1 1/2lb and was my last fish. As you can imagine they were all taken on worm hookbait, and it was nice to get a few species in the end. I thought I had 12 to 13lb.
Weights as I know them..
Peg 1    Nigel Evans 10lb 2oz (a bream and a very big perch)
Peg 4    Jer Pocock 8lb (lots of small roach)
Peg 7    Ben Rendall 10lb 2oz (roach and chublets)
Peg 10  Tim Ford  14lb 12oz
Peg 16  Mike Martin-Davies 14lb 10oz  (sorry Mike!)
Peg 24  Mike Shellard think it was 23lb+ (4 bream + perch)
Peg 30  Andy Cranston just under 10lb of roach
Peg 34  Kev Dicks.. Not sure what Kev had but maybe 7lb
As you can see the old man himself Mike Shellard won, and I came 2nd which was worth £50. Compared to many places that was good fishing and some decent weights. I suppose it was mission accomplished as far as catching some fish and practicing, with roach not really playing ball a bonus or two will be needed in this zone next week.
Tomorrow I am on the superleague at Staverton, peg 31.
Written by



It has been brought to the attention of the committee that some members fishing at Newton Park are leaving litter.

This matter has been pointed out by the Bath Spa College Administration (who control the fishing rights that BAA rents), BAA bailiffs and members.

If this situation continues it is likely that Newton Park will become unavailable to members to fish.

Anyone found leaving litter at the lake or college grounds, including the car park will face disciplinary action from BAA and it is likely a considerable ban will be imposed.

Any member seeing littering should if possible report this to a BAA official.


BAA committee

Night Fish at The Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete

24 Hour Night Fishing at Hunstrete 2020
Fishing From 5.00am to 21.00pm The Next Day.
Dates are Below.
September 5th & 6th
October 3rd & 4th
Tickets for the above dates will go on sale at the garage at Hunstrete At 10.00 oclock. on the 8th August.
Price £30
15 Main Lake pegs 20 to 36
5 Withy pool pegs 55 to 59
5 pegs Bridge pool

HELP! Chew Mink project

I would like to present the Chew Mink Project again to you and your brilliant club members. We will be deploying more rafts across the River Chew to monitor mink and other wildlife in an attempt to improve the river for fishing. We cannot do this without volunteers to monitor the rafts so I am asking if anybody is interested in a low-commitment opportunity to improve the fishing in their local waters?

Monitoring will involve checking the rafts once every couple of weeks (or less) and reporting your findings to me. I will meet you on-site when suits to give you a brief overview of the rafts, clay and mink identification then help you set up the rafts and deploy them.

This is a great opportunity to get back out onto the river and contribute to improving the fishing in your favourite stretch!

I would appreciate it if you could share the message with your members and look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

George Clark BSc(Hons)
Project Officer
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust

Phone: 07400540255
Email: george@bristolavonriverstrust.org
Website: www.bristolavonriverstrust.org/

We are on Twitter @bristolavonrt and Facebook and LinkedIn as ‘Bristol Avon Rivers Trust’.

Speeding at Hunstrete

It has been reported that people have been speeding up the path / road between bridge pool and main lake can we please follow the signs and drive slowly enjoy the view of the lakes and you might even see some nice fish top.

Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete Arial Shot

Hunstrete toilet


CORONAVIRUS NOTICE. Although the refurbished toilet facility at Hunstrete will be open and anglers using the facility do so entirely at their own risk, and should also bring and use their own sanitizing equipment and toilet roll. Also clean the toilet prior to leaving.
Thank you

Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete Arial Shot

Hunstrete announcement

Notice to be BAA members.

The BAA committee has been notified that members are arriving at Hunstrete and queuing in the early hours of the morning.

Notices regarding this matter were posted previously stating that arriving before opening times is not acceptable.

15 minutes before opening times is the earliest acceptable time to arrive.

Please switch off engines and radios etc. and remain in your vehicles to keep disturbance to a minimum.

This situation will be monitored and opening times will be changed to 8am if early arriving persists or complaints are received from local residents.

BAA Committee