Type of fishing: Coarse Fishing
Price: Free to members, no day ticket required. Some day ticket fishing for non-members. Please purchase from local tackle shops before fishing.
Membership: yes for all waters upstream of Bath
Membership:No for waters from Newbridge downstream to Saltford but a day ticket must be purchased first.
Night Fishing: Application must be made in writing to the Head bailiff (Members Only)
Disabled Access: No
Opening Times: Daylight hours only
Locations: Claverton, Batheaston, Newbridge, Newton St. Loe, Saltford
Many newcomers to angling don’t realise what they’re missing when they spend all their time at stillwaters and ignore the Bristol Avon.
Bathampton A. A.’s river fisheries are full of fish of all types and sizes, and there is little more enjoyable than “trotting” a stick float through your swim, watch it disappear under the surface, strike and feel the satisfying thump of a good fish.
Then you reel in and see a silvery roach, a big bream or if you’re lucky a big barbel come to the surface.

The Long Meadow at Claverton (Members Only)
The Long Meadow is noted for quality sport. BIG roach. BIG chub. BIG bream. BIG barbel. Very productive at all times of the year.
All the Claverton waters are set in a beautiful valley and worth a visit for the scenery alone.
Directions: Take A36 Warminster from Bath to village of Claverton. Take turning on left – Ferry Lane – go over canal and park with care. Narrow lane; do not cause obstruction.
Cross over railway line and turn right into field that extends alongside the railway line at the designated pedestrian crossing. This is The Long Meadow and extends for approx. 1200 yards.
Long Meadow marked in white where we can fish

The Islands at Claverton (Members Only)
A real hot-spot for specimen fish including barbel, chub and pike.
A word of warning though: This is a noted picnic spot for town dwellers and whenever the weather is warm and fine it will be over-run with screaming kids, noisy parents – playing football etc and even swimming in the river. If you can fish through this you are a masochist or (something else).
However, when the mobs disappear the fishing can be quite superb and as good as anywhere on the river!
Directions: As for the Long Meadow, but instead of turning right into field alongside the railway go straight ahead. Over the stile and you’re on the Island. Turn left or right, or go straight across to reach the river.
Claverton Island marked in white where we can fish

The Manor Field at Claverton (Members Only)
A specimen hunters paradise. Very natural banks with streamy runs into deep mysterious stretches. Great for the roving angler who likes to travel light; just as well as it’s a long walk to the end of the fishing (but worth it more often than not).
This stretch is home for more VERY BIG fish – pike, chub, roach, bream, perch and barbel. A great favourite with many members.
Directions: Park in the long lay-by, on the left, just before Claverton.
Over canal bridge and across field to bridge UNDER railway. The river is just the other side of the bridge. Fishing extends to the left (downstream) to second field above Bathford Railway Bridge. Turn right – upstream – takes you to the Island. Total length of approx. 880 yards.
Manor Field where we can fish marked in white there is a sign to say where it starts and ends

River Avon at Batheaston (Members Only)
Fishing is from the small triangular piece of land on right hand bank downstream of the Toll Bridge opposite the weir. Although there are only 3 swims, the potential is enormous. There is a large area of water to fish and it is known to hold good barbel, pike and all other Avon species.
Directions: A4 from Bath towards Chippenham. Follow ‘Batheaston’ sign from major interchange and next turn right which is Toll Bridge Road. Parking is limited so cross the Toll Bridge and park carefully. Access to the fishing is alongside the Toll House.

River Avon at Newbridge
Day tickets available for non-members. Must be purchased before fishing from local tackle shops at £5 a day. Fishing is free for members.
This stretch of river is as good as any in the south-west, if not the country with loads of bream, roach, hybrids and chub for the match and pleasure angler; as well as big pike for specimen anglers. The bream average 4 to 5 pounds and 100 lb catches are commonplace. Also, the numbers of good roach (1 lb plus) are impressive with quite a few 2 pounders being caught every season.
Competitions are fished regularly so members should check “Waters Closed” posters in local tackle shops or on this website.
Directions: From Bristol, take A4 to Bath. Dual carriageway from Globe Inn to Bath outskirts. At end of dual carriageway take left fork – just before traffic lights. Go over bridge over river (this is Newbridge) and park in lay-by immediately after bridge on the right. Walk back over bridge on footpath and over the stile leading down to river. Fishing extends one field on right hand bank upstream and for approx. 2 miles on left hand bank downstream.

River Avon at Newton St. Loe
Day tickets available for non-members. Must be purchased before fishing from local tackle shops at £5 a day. Fishing is free for members.
An under-fished area due to the long walk but has great potential. This is the next area downstream from Newbridge and is noted for good roach and chub.
Fishing close-in produces good roach or cast a feeder across to the trees on the opposite bank for some very nice chub.
Directions: Take the A4 Bristol to Bath road. Go through Saltford to big roundabout where the Globe Inn is. On the first part of the roundabout, there is a gate on the left. This leads to bridge under the railway. River is the other side of the bridge with fishing to the right – towards Newbridge, and to the left towards Saltford.

River Avon at Saltford
Day tickets available for non-members. Must be purchased before fishing from local tackle shops at £5 a day. Fishing is free for members.
Popularly known as “The Trees” this section is one of the widest and deepest of the whole river and, as such, it’s potential for big fish and/or big catches is hardly touched. We know there are very big bream, roach and chub and in a summer 2004 match there were two separate hundred pound plus catches of bream and roach weighed in. One on the pole, one on the feeder. 7 lb bream and roach approaching 2 lbs are regularly caught.
Directions: Go through Saltford on A4 Bristol to Bath as far as Stothert and Pitt Rugby Club on the left. Access to the river is alongside rugby pitch to bridge under railway. Fishing extends up and downstream.
Please Note:
Members must display a photocopy of current membership card on car dashboard when parking in the long lay-by at just before Claverton.
Day tickets are not required for members to fish any of these locations. The only location where non-members of the club can fish is Newbridge. Non-members are required to purchase a £5 day ticket from a local tackle shop to fish at Newbridge.
Normal close season applies (15th March to 15th June inclusive).
Not suitable for infirm or disabled.
The WADAC has granted access to BAA members to fish the left hand bank facing upstream of the River Avon from Limpley Stoke up to the Avoncliffe viaduct but doesnt include the weirpool field or weir at Avoncliffe.
Members must produce their membership card on request from BAA bailiffs or WADAC bailiffs to prove they are members of BAA.
There is parking at Limpley Stoke through a padlock gate and the combination number can be made available on request.
There is an explanation of two padlocks on the WADAC website when travelling to Limpley Stoke use new (black) padlock with buttons at bottom. It also advices on the lay-by and that if you do go in the field you must park on the left hand side not far from the gate. CLICK LINK BELOW FOR WEBSITE information
NO NIGHT FISHING is permitted.
Please be respectful of this facility and ensure any gates are closed and not to leave any litter.