Bridge pool update and progress.

Hi All.
Not really had much to update since the last photos of Bridge Pool, but I’ll add as much as I know.
The main digging on Bridge has been finished, the lake bed was limed, and aerators have been relocated as advised, so we just need to let it fill again now.
Unfortunately we can’t control how fast it fills, hopefully it won’t take long, so I can’t give a timescale. We then need to let the lake settle and ph return to good levels. We are taking advice on how long the lake needs to settle once filled, I’ll update that when we have a single timescale agreed.
There have not been any discussions over fish stocks yet. Exact species and numbers will be agreed in conjunction with our advisers to make sure we have a good balance of the right fish.
Works around the lake continues, including tree and hedge work, swim repairs, etc. Anyone interested in helping, we are there pretty much every Saturday and would appreciate any help… although we are not there this coming Saturday, we’re having a day off.
We are focusing on finishing as much as we can on Bridge first, then we move attention to Main. We don’t get enough help to do both at the same time.

As before, a huge thank you to those that do turn up and work extremely hard. It wouldn’t be possible without you.

I’ll add as much as soon as I can


Malcolm Murfets funeral details

Malcolm Murfets funeral will take place on Tuesday July 9th at 12 midday.

There will be a wake afterwards at the White Hart at Weston in Gordano post code BS20 8PU.
This venue is very pertinent as Malcolm and Sally were mine hosts there. The picture below was the Club presenting Malcolm with a gift in thanks for his services when he resigned to take over the White Hart.
Nobody was to know that in a very short time Sally would pass away and Malcolm would be back serving the club for many more years.
The White Hart has been closed for a while, but has been taken over by the local residents as a community pub, and I believe this will be their first event.
Please could you let me know by text, Facebook message or WhatsApp if you would like to attend the wake so I can gauge numbers for catering, thanks.
Mike Jones 07776196040

Newbridge River Avon Bathampton Angling Association

Bathampton AA river rights

Hi all.
Can I remind members that Bathampton have fishing rights on the Avon at Newbridge that starts one field up from the bridge at Newbridge, continuing downstream to Saltford. Anything closer to Bath is not part of our fishing rights, however I understand it is free fishing.
Please remember, land on the banks in the free stretch can be private property and anyone fishing has no rights to park in private car parks, cross land or jump fences to get access to the river.
We have received reports that a number of BAA members have done this saying they can get access to our stretch. This is not correct.

Sad News.

Sad news today, BAA stalwart Malcolm Murfet passed away just a week short of his 80th birthday.
He started as joint assistant secretary to Norman Moore and worked behind the scenes for more than 60 years all through the glory years of BAA
Let’s hope his legacy can be a resurgence of the Hunstrete complex that he worked tirelessly for with a small group of others to raise funds for its expansion.
RIP Malcolm.

Work on Bridge Pool

For those interested, a few photos from today on Bridge Pool.
Somewhere around 300 to 400 tonnes of silt removed, and in total an estimated 3500 tonnes of soil, etc has been shifted in the past week and a half.
The lake is around a level 5ft to 6ft deep now, which is ideal.
Still time next week to complete the filter feed area, level the lake bed and other surrounding ground works.

The team on site have worked tirelessly this past week or so, so a huge thanks to them, plus the small team working around them to help out, keeping water levels down and other general works.

Now we need the lake to bake in the sun, prior to liming, which we hope we can do soon (subject to advice from our experts). Then the refill begins.
It’s going to look amazing when filled back up.

Work on Bridge Pool Has started.

A big shout of thanks to Mike Turner who has kept the pump running for the past two weeks, James Buckle, and all those who have turned up to give a hand and wallowed in three foot of silt.

River season begins

Well the glorious 16th is here tomorrow.
Massive thanks to Dean ,Derik and the rest of the match guys who cleared the stretch at Newbridge.
The Claverton manor field has been cleared, if you dare face the killer cow field. Good luck tomorrow to all you river anglers.
In the words of the great Jonny crane
Tight lines and I will see you on the bank 👍

Hunstrete information

Anyone visiting Hunstrete for the next 2 to 3 weeks needs to be cautious of heavy machinery currently working in Bridge Pool and the areas around it. This plant will be sharing the access road as well.
We are hoping to keep the complex open for fishing on Withy whilst this work is ongoing, which will rely on us remaining confident we are working safely and visitors are being responsible on site.
Please do not stop or walk back to the lakes when you visit.
Any risk identified will result in the immediate closure of the complex for the duration of the works. Please work with us.

Dave Crookes Fishery at Hunstrete Arial Shot

Dave Crookes Fishery – Hunstrete Recovery Overview Members Update Hunstrete Update – Sunday 26th May.

Dave Crookes Fishery – Hunstrete

Recovery Overview

Members Update

Hunstrete Update – Sunday 26th May.

Apologies, long post coming!

As I’m sure everyone appreciates following my recent updates and comments, we have needed to follow lots of processes, discuss many things with experts and officials, that ahs now finally lead to us being able to formalise a plan for recovery of Bridge Pool and Main Lake at Hunstrete.

The following update gives a brief overview of the works we plan to complete at the complex.

It’s extremely hard to give timescales, although we assure you we will be taking the right balance of time to make sure we do this properly, against the need to reopen the lakes for fishing.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all those that have given us advice over the past 5/6 months allowing us to now have a clear plan in place, including CEFAS, EA, Simon Long, Simon, and particularly Andrew Ellis.

Incoming Flows

Everything starts here.

We know we have incoming springs passing through the soil, and flows coming across neighbouring land, through drains, entering Bridge Pool.

For information – the EA have confirmed incoming flows across the land are within legal quality limits.

We are advised that we need to do as much as we can to control the water as it enters Bridge Pool, as this impacts both bridge Pool and Main Lake.

We will intercept as many incoming flow sources as possible by extending the ditch next to Bridge Pool, allowing a large bed of reeds to be planted. These reeds will help control nitrate and phosphate, as well as filter the water. We will also add a gravel/stone filter prior to this reed bed, and after if we can. The gravel/stone will filter larger particulates.

General Works

We must reduce the leaf litter entering the lakes, improve air flow across all waters, and increase the amount of sunlight on the lake. This work is essential.

This will require the removal of trees over hanging lakes and continue to clear some of the trees behind Bridge Pool. We willretain the ‘good’ trees though.

Will continue to plant ‘large plants’ in the water on Main Lake, such as Flag Iris. We need to fill the full perimeter of the lakes where possible. Large plants will use the nitrates and phosphorous, helping control future levels. Bridge and Withy are in vey good condition.

Large plants can include small quantities of lily pads, although this must be controlled as they inherently reduce light entering the lake and wind flow across the surface.

Bridge Pool

It was made very clear by our experts that we need to spend time repairing Bridge before moving on to Main Lake. Any issues we have had are in the soil, lake bed, existing fish and water.

We will fully drain Bridge Pool, allow the lake bed to bake in the sun until there are significant cracks in the silt, then lime the bed.

Our experts advised it was not necessary to remove the silt, as we will be liming the lake bed.

Liming sterilises the lake bed, essentially neutralising anything in it. Chalking the lake bed does not do the same job and is not a suitable alternative.

It has been recommended to remove the islands and level the lake bed to a uniform level. This will ensure the water is allowed to circulate the lakes, removing dead spots for water to stagnate and sit. It will also encourage the fish to continue to move around, greatly improving fishing results and preventing fish stacking in one depth of water or area of lake.

We will of course be mindful to retain good depth across the lake.

Once we have limed the lake, we will be able to allow it to refill. pH levels will need to reach ideal levels before we are able to restock fish. It has not been agreed what fish stocks will be at this time. We will advise this once we have agreement.

Main Lake

Once we have completed works on Bridge pool, we move to Main Lake.

We will need to complete very similar works to this lake. We will drain it, bake the lake bed in the sun, and then lime it, exactly the same as Bridge Pool.

It was not discussed that we need to level the depths in this lake.

Again, it is advised that it was not essential to remove the silt from the lake as we are going to heavily lime the lake be, although we would benefit spending time removing as much weed as possible.

Again, ne discussions have been held regarding fish stocks, that will follow once work is progressing. We will however be looking for one stocking from a reputable and quality source.

This lake needs work on the reeds around the lake. It looks like there is quite a stock of reeds already in the lake, mostly inhibited from growing where the trees cover them. We will see what growsonce trees are cut back, filling in the rest of the margins if there are gaps.

I’m sure you all appreciate the sheer quantity of works to be completed and will appreciate any and all help as it’s going to be extremely valued. Please let me know if you plan to join us on a Saturday to make sure we are there.

We are also going to need to start looking for additional funding to support the works we must complete. We have funds retained for the works to begin, however if any member is willing to help us search for additional funding from external bodies, please get in contact. All the help we can get will allow us to get this completed to the highest standards we are all aiming for.

Thanks, Tim