Work on Bridge Pool

For those interested, a few photos from today on Bridge Pool.
Somewhere around 300 to 400 tonnes of silt removed, and in total an estimated 3500 tonnes of soil, etc has been shifted in the past week and a half.
The lake is around a level 5ft to 6ft deep now, which is ideal.
Still time next week to complete the filter feed area, level the lake bed and other surrounding ground works.

The team on site have worked tirelessly this past week or so, so a huge thanks to them, plus the small team working around them to help out, keeping water levels down and other general works.

Now we need the lake to bake in the sun, prior to liming, which we hope we can do soon (subject to advice from our experts). Then the refill begins.
It’s going to look amazing when filled back up.

Work on Bridge Pool Has started.

A big shout of thanks to Mike Turner who has kept the pump running for the past two weeks, James Buckle, and all those who have turned up to give a hand and wallowed in three foot of silt.