Bridge pool update and progress.

Hi All.
Not really had much to update since the last photos of Bridge Pool, but I’ll add as much as I know.
The main digging on Bridge has been finished, the lake bed was limed, and aerators have been relocated as advised, so we just need to let it fill again now.
Unfortunately we can’t control how fast it fills, hopefully it won’t take long, so I can’t give a timescale. We then need to let the lake settle and ph return to good levels. We are taking advice on how long the lake needs to settle once filled, I’ll update that when we have a single timescale agreed.
There have not been any discussions over fish stocks yet. Exact species and numbers will be agreed in conjunction with our advisers to make sure we have a good balance of the right fish.
Works around the lake continues, including tree and hedge work, swim repairs, etc. Anyone interested in helping, we are there pretty much every Saturday and would appreciate any help… although we are not there this coming Saturday, we’re having a day off.
We are focusing on finishing as much as we can on Bridge first, then we move attention to Main. We don’t get enough help to do both at the same time.

As before, a huge thank you to those that do turn up and work extremely hard. It wouldn’t be possible without you.

I’ll add as much as soon as I can
